Sabtu, 23 Februari 2008

Passss banD

Sedikit cerita tentang Pas Band

PAS dibentuk di kota Bandung pada awal 1991 dengan cara yang menggebrak. Musiknya sangat keras-menghamtam telinga cenderung kasar dan ada FUCKnya pula mirip musik Amerika periode awal 1990an.
PAS bener-bener hadir tanpa modal apa-apa, kecuali sejumput cita-cita jadi musisi profesional. Seperti menggunakan kacamata kuda, empat pemusik itu sama sekali nggak pernah menggubris masukan sejumlah produser. Termasuk usul buat ganti nama, karena dianggap nggak komersil.

Jatuh Bangun Pas Band

Sekali waktu Yukie (yang waktu itu masih berambut gondrong) dan Bengbeng harus puas tiduran di bawah mobil Kijang sewaan, sekedar menghindari dari terik matahari Jakarta yang menyengat. Semangkok bakso murah yang rasanya nggak keruan cukuplah mengganjal perut mereka. Ihwal Trisno dan Richard berada diruang tamu sebuah perusahaan rekaman di kawasan Grogol, Jakarta Barat. Untuk menawarkan demo mini album. Tentu dengan perut yang juga nggak kalah ribut akibat menahan lapar. Berbagai penolakan dari produser akhirnya mengantarkan personel PAS pada satu keputusan : mereka harus gerilya.
Berbekal duit hasil pinjaman sebesar Rp.15 juta, PAS dan manajer Samuel Marudut, Bikin rekaman dan menjualnya sendiri mini album 4 Through The Sap (1993).
Langkah ini bukan tanpa resiko, karena mereka sama sekali nggak bisa membayangkan apakah proyek mimpinya bakal mendapat respons. Setidaknya balik modal. Maklum sebagai grup underground pertama yang menempuh jalur indie, mereka nggak ubahnya meraba dalam gelap.
Tapi barangkali itulah bayaran yang harus ditebus untuk sebuah mimpi bernama Idealisme. Bahwa akhirnya album ini terjual 5000 biji, tentu itu lebih dari sebagai reaksi pasar atas kreativitas mereka. Pemilik sebuah perusahaan rekaman besar di Jakarta terpesona oleh model musik seperti itu. "Wah musik mereka gila. Itu musik masa depan. Aku mau ambil mereka," Kata Bos itu kalem. Seperti bercanda? Eehh dua bulan kemudian ucapan itu terbukti.
PAS berpindah tangan dari indie label ke perusahaan major label. Mata para penggemar musik keras menjadi terbuka. Musik keras yang tak ada manis-manisnya ternyata tidak harus melata dipasar sempit indie label. Terbukti pula PAS mampu mempesona sekian ribu penggemar musik alternatif lewat konser-konser mereka yang atraktif.

Nama Lengkap : Yuki Arifin Martawidjaja
Nama Panggilan : Yukie
Tanggal Lahir : 31 Mei 1969
Hobby : sepeda gunung, berenang, utak atik mobil


Nama panggilan : Trisnoize
Tanggal lahir : Bandung, 16 Agustus 1970
Bintang : Leo


Nama Lengkap : Bambang Sutejo
Nama Panggilan : Bengbeng
Tanggal Lahir : Bandung, 6 November 1968
Hobby : Playstation (soccer game & balap mobil), ngerekamin lagu-lagu favorit sendiri.


Nama Lengkap : H.Agus Teguh Prakosa Andarusman
Nama Ganteng : Sandy Andarusman
Nama Panggilan : Sandy Tanggal Lahir : Jakarta, 7 Juli 1973
Agama : Islam Hobby : -

Nama Lengkap : Richard Christian Franklin Mutter

Nama Panggilan : RichardTanggal Lahir : Bandung, 18 Maret 1969

Hobby : internet, skate, jaga toko, koleksi alat musik, koleksi VCD...


Slank is formed in 1983. It was started as a junior high school band called Cikini Stone Complex (CSC), Bimbim on drums, Boy on Guitar, Kiki on Guitar, Abi on bass, Uti and Well Welly as the singers. This band used to play the musics of their idols, The Rolling Stones but this band won't last long enough. With his cousins Erwan and Denny, Bimbim - the drummer - began to formed a new band called Red Evil. Kiki which was one of the guitarist of CSC join them. Another guy named Bongky is also played the guitar on this band. While CSC were imitating the Rolling Stones, Red Evil has a better concept besides playing an international band's number, Red Evil begin to composed their own song.
Even though the band is playing world chart rock number, the way they play the song is very interesting as they always did this top chart rock song in their own way, which is reckless, ignorance and with undetailed groove as the original artist play. The supports from friends and some earliest fans called them SLENGEAN which exactly fits of the way they play and performance. Since then Red Evil change the name to SLANK.

Indonesian parents at that time is hoping their children could be an engineer, doctors, accountant, bankers or any job that was known by them. A musician or artist is a jobless one to their thinking. Lucky for Bimbim as his parents is supporting 99% of his will to be a musician. Even they let the boys haveng their practising and rehearsing at their home in Jl. Potlot 14. This place known as SLANK's home base.

As the time goes on, a marriage of the brain, taste, feel, mood etcetera are undeniable. The band start to changing players one after another. Patient has given Bimbim a good luck. At the 13th formation he got the great team to combat the music industry. It was the formation of Bimbim on drums, Bongky on bass, Pay on guitar, Indra on keyboards and Kaka as the lead vocals.

They start to bring their demo tape here and there, from producer to producer, from records company to records company which deny their ability in performing the music. At last Indra Qadarsih, the keyboard player at that time, introduce the band with Budhi Soesatio their former producer. After listening to the demo, Budhi was interested in their music for Slank has a good blend of Pop, Rock n' Roll, Blues and Indonesian Ethnicity and it is differ from the shelved music that years.

Boedhi's sense of business was proofed. Slank's debut album SLANK SUIT.. SUIT.. HE.. HE.. (Gadis ) - released in 1991, has punch the market with single MEMANG and MAAFKAN and become The Best Seller which brought Slank to receive the BASF Award as The Best New Comer in 1991.

Ever since the debut, SLANK getting popular and has a lot of fans all over the country. They keep up with their new album almost every year, i.e.:- 2nd Album "KAMPUNGAN" - 1991- 3rd Album "PISS" - 1993- 4th Album "GENERASI BIRU" - 1994- 5th Album "MINORITAS" - 1995
After the 5th album SLANK has to loose three of the players which are Bongky (bassist), Indra Q (keyboardist) and Pay (guitarist).

With only two personel left, Bimbim and Kaka, SLANK tried to keep alive. They make their 6th album, LAGI SEDIH, with a help from friends which are Reynold on guitar and Ivanka on bass. LAGI SEDIH, literary mean 'Sadness Moment' was showing their sadness moment left by the players, released in 1996.
The sadness become more deep when Reynold left the band while they prepare for the album's promo. For the purpose of that particular tour they made audition to find a replacement for Reynold. Ivanka introduce Abdee Negara while Lulu Ratna, the manager at that time, introduce Ridho Hafiedz. The two guitarist has different character so they decide to ask both of them to play. Over 100 songs was given to them to learn in only two weeks. Again with these players, Slank is return to rock the roads with the 14th formation.

Slank is back on the roads with the new players and records another new albums. 7th album - TUJUH released 19978th album - MATA HATI REFORMASI released 19989th album - 999+09 released 1999 (double album)10th album - VIRUS released 200111th album - SATU SATU released 200312th album - ROAD TO PEACE released April 200413th album - PLUR released December 2004
Today in the 21th year, what Slank has took the market segments that has not been touch by former market. Slank has had the market share of about 10% of Indonesian listener. Their fans for what they call them SLANKERS, are doing what ever they told in their lyrics as most of the lyrics are expression of the youth bravery and rebellion of a generation against established culture and/or system. No violence necessary on a rebellion done by Slank… it's LOVE and PEACE rebellion....and even now UNITY & RESPECT added to become PLUR... Peace, Love Unity and Respect.
The truth, Slank has become an icon for a generation to have a spirit, solidarity and a be someone.

Senin, 11 Februari 2008

ne tmen gw yang super soax..... dya hoby na maen basket, nglawak, n' bkin tmen" cekakak-cekikik... hek. dya anak na gokeeL abezZ......

kenalin nichhh temen gw nama'y raka agung andika die lahir di bandung tp dia sekarang tinggal di intheramayoe persisnyasih di bumexxx, hobby die main volly, nongkrongin komputer, jalan" n' masih ba'yak lagi. die skuuul di sma ungulan da'i an_nyuuuur .tp die orang'y agak" edaaaaan alias gokil